Genre: RPG Fantasy System: Dreamcast. Release: Story: Created by a powerful wizard, you are the ultimate warrior, chosen to fight evil, defeat chaos and bring peace and order back to the island of Lodoss. Journey through vast areas of swampland, forests, deserts, and delve deep into subterranean caverns. Heading towards your destiny, you build your fighting and magical skills and defeat vicious, powerful monsters along the way. You are not alone however, friends and advisors will help you on your way -- though be careful who you trust, not everyone may be who they seem. Lodoss is an isometric view of a 3D landscape based role playing game. Battle your way through dark dungeons and vast areas, forge alliances and bring back peace to this troubled land. Features: 1. Based on the successful Record of Lodoss War animated series. 2. Massive 3D environment to explore, containing huge monsters, swamps, deserts, forests, dungeons, towns and more. 3. Brilliant graphical effects 4. Hundreds of spells, weapons, armour and magical artefacts. 5. Stunning cinematic cut scenes with highly atmospheric soundtrack. System requirements: Formats: Dreamcast Publisher: Swing! Entertainment Developer: E.S.P. Genre: RPG Fantasy Onscreen languages: English Manual languages: English